Over the last few weeks, the Years 4, 5 and 6 classes have participated in a range of workshops covering the topics of friendship, resilience and identity. Run by Girl Power SA, the workshops based on positive psychology principles aim to foster a sense of confidence in girls as they navigate growing up in an increasingly complex world.
The content in the workshops aligns with the Personal and Social Capability str
eam of the Australian Curriculum and also support learning that has previously taken place in classrooms.
I really enjoyed getting helpful ideas about friendships. Sophia 4NP
The workshop helped me to learn about different types of relationships and that there are lots of ways to calm yourself down when you are angry. Lucy 4NP
I enjoyed learning about growth mindsets and fixed mindsets because it has given me the courage to try harder and not to give up. Lemar 5SK
I liked how it encouraged a growth mindset. Daija 5NW
It encourages girls to be more confident. Selina 5NW
The workshop reminded me of my strengths and all the things I am capable of. Maddelena 6LM
I liked having time to reflect on what is unique about me. Monica 6MH